After switching in-and-out of character so often by snapping his fingers, Jesse finds that he can longer control his story-telling power. This causes a blending of worlds, an identity crisis...and perhaps...a hidden darkness.
In a small village lives, a beautiful orphan girl named Paro who gets a marriage proposal with no demand for dowry but instead a handsome sum of money would be paid to her guardians. Unable to resist this offer Paro is married off to the prospective groom the very same day, not knowing that she is being thrown into a spiral of bride trafficking.
This winter, there's no escaping the shivers as ZEE5 Original 'Parchhayee' is all set to bring to life the most bone-chilling horror tales of celebrated author Ruskin Bond. The mysteries unravel from 15th January! Here's a first look at 'Parchhayee'.
An Indian family and the tumultuous yet humorous events of the two years since they arrived in Pittsburgh.
Set in 1997 before the historic Kargil war, four boys aged 16, set foot in the prestigious National Defence Academy. Cadets is a coming - of- age story about a world where boys become men of honour.
Marcus returns after two years, rekindling his love with Aira. However, when mysterious deaths occur in their town, their relationship is tested as they investigate the danger, leaving their love hanging in the balance.
Middle-class man seeks secret escort services during financial woes. Entangled in lies, murder and gang, he becomes what he once despised - corrupt.
A group of Indian Forest Service officers, NGO workers, police constables and good samaritans risk their lives trying to track down the biggest elephant ivory poachers in the history of India and bring them to justice.
Whether it's mixing your ingredients for cooking or expressing your love for someone, chemistry is a must for everyone. And now, to teach chemistry in the comfort of your home, our very own chemistry mashi is coming.
Inside the Kit Kat Club of 1931 Berlin, starry-eyed singer Sally Bowles and an impish emcee sound the clarion call to decadent fun, while outside a certain political party grows into a brutal force.
Inside the NBA – the Sports Emmy Award-winning studio show known for its entertaining style and unfiltered commentary – pulls back the curtain on its more than 30-year history in this four-part documentary series. Interviews with celebrities, crew members, sports reporters and more illuminate the show’s evolution into a cultural phenomenon with untold stories that highlight the chemistry between Ernie Johnson, Kenny Smith, Charles Barkley and Shaquille O’Neal.
Kaala - an aspirational rapper from Canada who flees back to Punjab, learns about the mysterious murder of his father and iconic singer Taara Singh. The story unfolds the dark side of music industry's glamour, politics and more.

Showing 181–210 of 563 results