The series tells the story of cute and smart girl Shi Xia (Wu Qianying), who accidentally came into the unfamiliar mythical world to find her disappeared brother. Her daily life with the Demon Shi Dong (Dai Yunfan), a loving brother, and the Lord Hou Chi of Yuhua School (Zhao Yingbo) is funny and heartwarming. A hilarious story of two brothers “protecting” their little sister starts.
Follow Moiraine, a member of the shadowy and influential all-female organization called the “Aes Sedai” as she embarks on a dangerous, world-spanning journey with five young men and women. Moiraine believes one of them might be the reincarnation of an incredibly powerful individual, whom prophecies say will either save humanity or destroy it.
A creature action thriller series about the desperate survival of the survivors among the mutant humans who drank a mysterious black smoke from the sinkhole and soon turned into monsters and quickly became a pandemonium.

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